The Essence of Panflute
Apr 3, 2013 Buy DVDs
Pt cine e interesat sa cante cu un naist virtual, de altfel primul si se pare si ultimul, nu are decat sa faca click pe urmatoarea adresa: si sa apese pe buy now!
Veti fi surprinsi de cate sunete si fraze muzicale veti beneficia. DVD-ul a fost promovat si vandut si prin lantul de magazine Best Service celebru pt libraria de sunete in special Vienna Symphony!
Celebra revista “Sound on Sound” dedica acestui DVD un articol f elogios si care explica tot ce se afla pe acest DVD.
For those interested in playing with a virtual panflute player, it seems the first and it looks like the last:), they can click on: and then on buy now!
You will be amazed of how many sounds and frases you will get if you buy this DVD. The DVD was promoted and sale on Best Service, famous for Vienna Symphony Library!
The well known “Sound on Sound” magazine, explain all about this DVD and recommended it also!